Cast Down, But Not Forsaken!
Faith Base Domestic Violence Counseling
Although, we are cast down we are not forsaken. In the eyes of God, we are actually Cherished, Desired, Fearfully and Wonderfully made. We are anything but abandoned or forsaken, Christ has assured us that we are chosen and set apart, you are worthy, and you are his masterpiece! Next to Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence is one of the worst forms of abuse that one can experience, because just like sexual abuse it carries a long term effect on ones mental, emotional and psychological state. This is not the plan of God for your life, according to Jeremiah 29:11 (Amplified Version), God tells us, "For I know the plans and thoughts THAT I have for you, saith the Lord...plans for PEACE and well-being and NOT for Disaster, to GIVE YOU a Future and a hope.. ". In 3rd John 2, God wishes ABOVE ALL things that you may prosper and be in good health (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially) even as your soul prospers. Studies have shown and proven that some Victims of Domestic Violence turn to substance abuse as a way of escape to deal with their pain and brokenness. That is why we offer Substance Abuse Counseling as well, for ALL WALKS of Life. Some may turn to alcohol, pain medication, opiates, they will turn to just about anything to numb their pain and to forget about the suffering and abuse they are experiencing. Studies have even shown and proven a considerably amount of women & men suffer great illnesses early in life and even die prematurely due to the effects of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse. A minority of women, (but certainly not all) experience breaking down mentally and emotionally and find themselves institutionalized due to being under a severe amount of stress, again mainly due to the effects of suffering from Domestic Violence. While others choose to turn to their Faith as their source of strength to help break them free from the trenches , chains and shackles of abuse and misery, others an addictive substance. Some of us know first hand as survivors of Domestic Violence and even people suffering from substance abuse that it is not easy to break free from these chains of misery and torment, thats why we are here to help you and NOT JUDGE you. We want to help you break the cycle of abuse and or addiction in your life, and for mothers we want to help you destroy and desintegrate the cycle of abuse in the lives of your children and your childrens, children, but it has to end somewhere, so why not let it end with you.